雖然已爬過台灣 30多支百岳,但還是很多中級山沒機會到訪,這次5月中難得有些空檔,夥伴們也作足準備,促成這次的鳶嘴山+稍來山步道健行,早聞鳶嘴沿途許多峭壁,算是比較刺激的路段,所以就想租用 GoPro HERO5 Black 運動攝影機,來做些登山攀岩的拍攝實驗,租用器材過程跟實際拍攝的心得會再另外詳述,先來看一下此行的剪輯影片,雖然拍攝跟剪輯手法都還有待加強,勉強可給大家作個紀念。
鳶嘴山,海拔 2180公尺,位於台中市和平區,屬雪山群峰,登山口於大雪山林道上27~28K處,靠近山頂的區域需攀繩才能通過,登頂後可俯瞰八仙山與雪山山脈,是台中熱門的登山路線。
HandBrake 跨平台的影片轉檔高手
HandBrake 它因為開源、跨平台、介面乾淨、支援一次排程轉檔,吃的格式多,又完全免費,所以蠻多人愛用的,缺點是尚無中文介面、更新比較慢,不久前才開發出 HandBrake 1.0.0 穩定的正式版本(花了 13 年)。
最近爆出檔案鏡像伺服器被入侵,並被放入藏有木馬病毒的安裝檔(HandBrake-1.0.7.dmg),使得他們必須將伺服器關閉進行調查,若有中標目前可透過 macOS 系統內建的「活動監視器.app」來終止名為「Activity_agent」的程序,再移除所安裝的程式,詳細解毒方式可參考官網說明。
Apple 也已更新 macOS 上的 XProtect 安全機制以封鎖此一變種,還好身邊的朋友都還是用舊版並沒受到影響,不放心的可在下載後傳到 virustotal 檢查一下。
筆電出現 Install Windows 無限循環死機畫面
朋友他是用華碩筆電,有天重開機進入win 7 後一直轉圈圈,等超久都沒反應後被迫重開,接著系統自動進入安全模式,說正在還原系統,接著一連串步驟後跳出下面一個視窗:
"Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation."按ok,重開後一樣跳出該視窗,
用原廠光碟片還原成 win8 pro 系統還是一樣出現該視窗,會卡在安全模式。
You may have an option to do a Repair on the POST screen before Windows tries to boot....
You may be able to quickly hit Ctrl+Alt+Del right at the end of POST to launch an automatic repair.
It might take three tries...
You need to get to the Command Prompt (.cmd)
1) Boot from the Windows 8 DVD or any other available method....
Steps 2,3,and 4 may not be in the sequence, depending on how you boot...
2) Select Next
3) Select Repair your computer
4) Select Troubleshoot
5) Select Advanced Options
6) Select Command Prompt
This link gives instructions on what to do when you get a command prompt...
The instruction for the command...
bcdedit /deletevalue {GUID} safeboot where {GUID} is Windows 7 loader GUID.
{GUID} is making reference to the "Identifier" listed under Windows Boot Loader which will display after entering bcdedit /v.
So in their example, the entry to the command prompt would be...
bcdedit /deletevalue {96378fc1-9402-11e0-990d-e3ec25d51f78} safeboot
"Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation."按ok,重開後一樣跳出該視窗,
用原廠光碟片還原成 win8 pro 系統還是一樣出現該視窗,會卡在安全模式。
You may have an option to do a Repair on the POST screen before Windows tries to boot....
You may be able to quickly hit Ctrl+Alt+Del right at the end of POST to launch an automatic repair.
It might take three tries...
You need to get to the Command Prompt (.cmd)
1) Boot from the Windows 8 DVD or any other available method....
Steps 2,3,and 4 may not be in the sequence, depending on how you boot...
2) Select Next
3) Select Repair your computer
4) Select Troubleshoot
5) Select Advanced Options
6) Select Command Prompt
This link gives instructions on what to do when you get a command prompt...
The instruction for the command...
bcdedit /deletevalue {GUID} safeboot where {GUID} is Windows 7 loader GUID.
{GUID} is making reference to the "Identifier" listed under Windows Boot Loader which will display after entering bcdedit /v.
So in their example, the entry to the command prompt would be...
bcdedit /deletevalue {96378fc1-9402-11e0-990d-e3ec25d51f78} safeboot
英特爾(Intel)主動管理技術(Active Management Technology,AMT)是內嵌於英特爾vPro 架構平台的一項管理功能,獨立於作業系統外運行,即使主機已經關閉,只要主機仍與電源線和網絡相連,遠端管理人員仍可以存取Intel AMT。而服務管理器(Intel Standard Manageability,ISM)則具有遠端關機、開機、重新開機及監視運行的應用程式等,至於小型企業技術(Small Business Technology,SBT),則具有本機端的軟體監控器、資料備份和復原及省電功能等,不少人將它視為Intel處理器的後門。
研究人員Maksim Malyutin發現特定Intel晶片韌體中的AMT、SBT及ISM管理技術存在安全漏洞,目前已知攻擊者可在未授權的情況下透過AMT管理技術遠端或本地端獲取系統控制權限,像是開機、關機、讀取文件、檢查正執行的程序、追蹤鍵盤/滑鼠及螢幕晝面等。
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